Have you ever wondered what exactly happens inside the digital and design teams of an integrated marketing agency?
From creative brainstorming to campaign management, b2b digital marketing specialists George Lawrence (UK) and Steph Ward (US) and superstar designer Pallavi Datta (UK) will take you through a typical day. Read on or get in touch to learn more about our services.
Life at a steadily growing integrated marketing agency is always busy. From client calls to media outreach to crisis comms, no two days are the same. While those on the PR side are focused on building out their lists of media targets and delivering the perfect pitch, the digital team is hard at work taking their efforts and turning them into campaigns spread across social media and search engines – often using video.
While b2b digital marketing tasks like posting to social platforms seem straightforward enough, creating and sharing exactly the right content at the right time is a challenge we all enjoy.
George: I start my day early, avoiding my phone until after I’ve showered and dressed. Good for the creative thought process, but mainly due to the lack of Wi-Fi in my room and the fact that there’s only so much social media one can consume pre-coffee. I get this after a brisk London walk, before sitting down to work at 8.30am. This earlier than average start suits my productivity better and gives me more of an evening to focus on various hobbies.
Pallavi: I wake up with a to-do list already in my head! This provides the push I need to get ready for the day. Like a stereotypical creative, I need coffee to kickstart my brain and get the creative juices flowing. A side of milk and granola to go.
George: It only takes about 90 minutes to need a second caffeine hit, usually due to emails, catching up on pet pictures sent by my US colleagues overnight and looking at my meetings schedule for the day. Typically, this includes client catch-ups, internal team planning sessions and training. The majority of my meetings are in the afternoon. So, any reporting, campaign management or creative brainstorming gets done before lunch.
Pallavi: I try to create any smaller assets in the morning, which gives me a sense of accomplishment. My 10am energy is crucial in determining how the rest of the day goes. Contrary to popular belief, a designer needs as much organisation as an account manager, as there are a million things going on in any agency. It’s not just about making something eye-catching, but also communicating with account managers/clients, setting expectations and making sure you don’t get overwhelmed/stuck in the creative process.

George: I join a weekly client call to report on current campaigns (either organic social or PPC) and receive our next brief. Afterwards, we meet to talk through the new campaign brief and brainstorm a social media strategy to achieve the client’s goals. This involves me, Pallavi and any relevant content or PR team members. Pallavi then disappears with her brief.
Pallavi: I read the campaign brief and decipher how to best represent the topic. I think about what imagery to use and sketch it out on a piece of paper, I then digitise it on Adobe Illustrator, and After Effects if it’s got a bit of motion. And finally, hand it over to George or Steph.
George: Time for a third coffee. My lunch breaks are usually spent meticulously planning my fantasy football team and then quickly cooking. Today it’s an omelette.
- Chop up chorizo and tomatoes and fry in a lightly oiled pan
- Mix two large eggs in a jug and add to pan
- Once it looks like an omelette, add toppings such as cheese, spinach etc.
- Expertly fold onto plate and eat.
- Do the dishes, back to work while still on that excitable caffeine high.
Steph: While my London colleagues may be headed out to lunch, I’m just waking up and deciding on breakfast! I usually start my day with some oatmeal and at least one cup of tea, which usually turns into two or three if I’m being honest. I always go for black tea in the morning, either English or Irish breakfast, with a bit of sugar and a dash of milk.
Steph: My workday starts at 8:30am, and the first order of business is sorting through any emails that came through overnight, as well as catching up on all the Teams conversations the European lorries have started while I was still snoozing. Once email admin is out of the way, I take stock of my to-dos, writing a list and figuring out which tasks are highest priority.
George, Pallavi and Steph: Pallavi reappears for feedback on the first draft of the campaign creatives. Depending on schedules and time zones, the first draft is either shared with the client by George straight away, or by Steph later in the day. Social posts are also scheduled, once approved, for around US lunchtime.
Steph: By 10am, meetings – whether with clients or internal teams – have started to pick up for the day and I’ve hopefully made some good headway on my assignments. Time for one last cup of tea before the morning slips away!

George: I’m usually heading to the gym/hockey/pub (delete as appropriate) by now. It’s great that the lorries prioritise work/life balance. Afterwards, I try to get eight hours of sleep to feel fresh and ready to begin the next dynamic day of b2b digital marketing – where the only certainty is great chat from my colleagues.
Pallavi: I try to tie up as many tasks as possible before signing off for the day. Then, it’s on to the tricky task of deciding what I’m going to eat for dinner/binge on Netflix and switch off for a couple of hours.
Steph: Unless there’s a client conflict or meeting, I use my lunch break to stretch my legs and go for a walk in the fresh air. I usually eat as I work – either before or after – so I can take a true break from the hustle and bustle of the day! Like a houseplant, I savour any sunlight I can get, and this is the prime time to do it. Often, I’ll have my little four-legged nephew, Patrick, join me for the adventure.
Steph: Back from my walk and it’s time to dive into what remains of my to-do list!
Steph: At the end of the day, I’ll scan through my notifications to ensure I’ve addressed everything that can’t wait until tomorrow. My after-work activities typically revolve around how hungry I am! But I also like to exercise or relax at home to prepare for tomorrow’s social media and client requests. No two days at an integrated marketing agency are the same!
Our digital and design teams have worked on b2b digital marketing and design projects for LOTS of exciting clients, check out their work:
- Beamery – elevating an HR brand’s social standing
- Bayzat – digital marketing to transform a young SaaS disruptor into a prominent regional player
- DMS – reinforcing brand culture with a film-inspired employee handbook
Need help from an integrated marketing agency? Get in touch to learn more about our services.