
Authentische Kommunikation

Kunden entscheiden sich meist bewusst für ein Unternehmen aufgrund von Werten, die mit den eigenen Idealen übereinstimmen. Dabei ist Authentizität entscheidend – auch in der Kommunikation.

Leadsgenerierung Leistungen


Eine Kommunikation auf Augenhöhe, direkt und empathisch, wirkt sich positiv auf die Reputation eines Unternehmens aus. Dabei bietet jeder Berührungspunkt mit dem Kunden, die Chance die Bindung zu stärken. Wir entwickeln mit Ihnen eine einheitliche, glaubwürdige Kundenansprache über alle Kommunikationskanäle hinweg.


Wir messen die Ergebnisse unserer Arbeit an gestiegener Nachfrage und Sales Leads.


Wir nehmen mit denen, die Ihre Marke direkt über unsere Aktivitäten entdeckt haben Kontakt auf und sprechen sie direkt an.

Channel- und Partnerkommunikation

Wir managen die Kommunikation mit Ihren Vertriebspartnern, um sie auf dem Laufenden zu halten und den Verkauf zu motivieren.


Wir organisieren Aktivitäten für bestimmte Kunden in jedem Zielmarkt.

Audience Mapping

Wir untersuchen und setzen uns mit jeder Audience auseinander - Influencer, Käufer und Nutzer.

Audience Insights

Wir analysieren die Kaufmotivation und -gründe für jede Audience, um Ihre Kampagne nachhaltig mit Informationen zu stützen.

Paid Placements (PPC)

Wir führen PPC-Kampagnen durch, um Ihre Markenbekanntheit zu steigern und Leads zu generieren.


Wir optimieren jede Kampagne, um Engagement und Nachfrage zu erhöhen.

Tone of Voice

Wir entwickeln und implementieren einen Tone of Voice, der Ihre Marke und Ihre Werte widerspiegelt, und führen ihn in Ihrem gesamten Unternehmen ein.

Alle Leistungen

Glückliche Kunden

  • [The lorries have] brought a lot of brand-new, fresh ideas to the table – these are ideas that we normally wouldn’t have thought of and executed on our own. The lorries are great to work with and we see our relationship with them as a strategic partnership for the business long term.

    Richard Heitmann - Vice President and General Manager Aspera
  • It’s always a pleasure and a learning experience to work with the Red Lorry Yellow Lorry team. With professionalism, creativity and eternal optimism, they tailored their know-how and fortitude to deliver results in the challenging and saturated markets of telco and security.

    Jodi Joseph Asiag - Corporate communications director Allot Communications
  • The lorries are a true communications partner – from strategic advice and corporate reputation management to consistent, on-the-ground communications support for our local teams around the globe. They are proactive, energetic and smart.

    Craig VerColen - VP, Corporate Communications LogMeIn
  • The lorries have a deep understanding of how to help us creatively achieve our PR goals. They are an extension of our own internal team and deliver nothing short of top-notch work.

    Lauren Christopherson - Senior PR manager LogMeIn
  • The lorries surpassed my expectations with the BCC launch. Their creativity and willingness to pull out all the stops to develop a holistic, multi-region campaign that included research, events, social media, and traditional media outreach, helped us to fortify the mantle of global industry leader.

    Leslie Keil - Director, global marketing communications Arcserve
  • The lorries have helped us look beyond media relations channels typically relied on by most M&E businesses. We’ve successfully combined traditional media relations with other tactics including SEO, social media, paid search and content marketing to not only drive more traffic to our site but deliver conversions which can go into our sales funnel.

    Richard Brandon - CMO Edgeware
  • Running a LinkedIn campaign alongside our media relations efforts allowed us to own the conversation on continuous availability, while driving users back to our website. The lorries developed a cohesive digital plan that yielded great results.

    Leslie Keil - VP Brand, Demand and Communications Arcserve
  • The lorries turned the tide for us. I’m so proud of the collaboration. We truly could not have done this without them.

    Donnelle Koselka - Corporate Communications Avid
  • I was really impressed by how quickly the lorry team sprang into action and got instant results once we got the green light from our client to pitch this campaign. Being recognised as one of the most innovative campaigns of 2019 was one of our biggest highlights of the year for the agency.

    Natalie Byrne - Group Director of Communications AKA NYC
  • The team are responsive, proactive and highly organized. I appreciate that they keep me honest on deadlines and help me to focus on the strategic and important activity. Our team have been very stable since we began working with the lorries and their strategic insight and recommendations to OneSpan are proving invaluable. I really enjoy working with them!

    Nicole Bosgraaf - Public Relations Manager OneSpan
  • Red Lorry Yellow Lorry helped us reach our goals and much more. The team brought a collaborative approach added to their detailed knowledge and data-driven insight every step of the way. Working with the lorries has helped us make a significant and positive change to the way we do marketing and lead generation at Dae.mn.

    Steve Morris - Design strategy lead Dae.mn
  • The lorries have really hit the ground running. We’re delighted that they’ve been able to secure features for FemTech Lab in some fantastic publications (in our first year no less!), as well as tirelessly supporting our Spring founders in their communications efforts. We’re excited to continue working together to promote our Fall cohort, as well as expanding our reach into EMEA and the US.

    Karina Vazirova & Katia Lang - Co-founders FemTech Lab