Talking Techcomms – nutrition at tradeshows

Sam Pudwell Headshot

By in Blog
On Juni 19, 2019

nutrition at tradeshows podcast

They may appear to just be fun opportunities to get out of the office for a few days (which, of course, they are), but anyone who’s ever worked in PR and marketing will understand the huge amount of effort that goes into industry trade shows.

They usually involve weeks or even months of planning and preparation, during which we as PR pros work with our clients to formulate strategy, write content such as press releases and thought leadership articles, pitch briefings to journalists and deliver briefing books to key spokespeople.

And it doesn’t slow down when you’re at the show. They usually consist of early mornings and several long days of client briefings, presentations and seminars, followed by ‘networking’ events that all-too-often run late into the night – just make sure you don’t forget about that 9am briefing the next morning!

In a nutshell, attending one of the major industry trade shows can be a physically and mentally draining experience – especially when you have to do three or four days in a row. That’s why it’s so important to think about what you eat and drink when you’re at a show. Trade show nutrition isn’t a topic that gets much attention, but being smart about what you consume over those few days can make a world of difference to your energy levels and general wellbeing.

With that in mind, we spoke to resident health and fitness aficionado Alex Humphries-French from our London office about some key dos and don’ts of trade show nutrition. In this podcast, he covers the importance of eating well, always having a bottle of water handy and seeking out a few minutes of peace and quiet every day to clear your mind.

Listen to the full podcast below and hear our other podcasts here.

If you’d like to learn more about how we can support you at your next trade show, visit our contact us page or get in touch at

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